114 photos   9576 visits

T T my photos 3


If you’re going to do it, then don’t ever follow me
See if you can do it naturally
I just do what I wanna
I’ve always knew how to keep it together lady-like
But I’m flipping and freaking it, for it’s not a habit

Ready or not here I come
We don’t Care eh eh eh
Who is that person in front
Don’t hesitate and just leave now, please
And I’m Lissa the one and only baddest female

Wassup, wassup
Wassup wassup wassup
Wassup, wassup
Wassup wassup wassup


3477 old pic{NY}
3477 old pic{NY}
6544 old pic{NY}
6544 old pic{NY}

Comments • 3

DeduxaaLov3 28 February 2011  
Awsome pictures ..just amazing :D
xCherryShakexD 27 February 2011  
where do u edit ur photos ?:>
JLissa 27 February 2011  
I edit photos with Taaz ; Corel PaintShop Photo Pro X3 ; Photoshop ; ...... why?
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