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T T hey

Heey! Im Lissa , but my really name is Random ! Im 19! I was born in Kawasaki and now I live in Chongjin. I have reddish hair, blue [green brown] eyes.I have an amazing life, I dont need anything more. I dont try to impress. I hate when people kiss my **** lol !!! I accept everyone for who they are. I love my life and being single! people never really get to see me for who I am. I am not shallow and I dont tolerate being treated like one.Never underestimate me, or my intelligence, it will be to your disadvantage. Im actually a really super girl:)And keep it outcha mouth(: Im single, Go ahead, talk all the shit you want. Im too sarcastic for words and it ll more then likely annoy you. I am perfectly fine with telling you whats on my mind.Show me respect and that you have a heart and I ll give you all that I can(L) .I hate when people message me over and over saying "hey wats up?! i like ur hair" 5 million times.
thanks.just dnt send those messages >i hate repeating myself over and over.
i hate liers. there is no point in lying. just tell the truth and
save urself the trouble(& im simple girl). .......[...] But i dont know very much english ;} ,i know japanese(私はあなたを愛しています!) and indonesian.!!

T_T (L)

Comments • 6

justinbieber1 22 May 2011  
JaayzHerexD 22 March 2011  
lion 27 February 2011  
AndreKaulitz 26 February 2011  
DeduxaaLov3 26 February 2011  
Hellow nice to meet u !
xCrazyInLove 26 February 2011  
Hey :]
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